Welcome to a different kind of IT. We’re not just here to fix your computer problems and keep your business running smoothly. We’re also deeply committed to making a positive impact through Carmelite spirituality and philosophy.

How It Works: Our Unique Model

Expert IT Services: We offer a full range of IT consulting and support for small businesses and individuals. From troubleshooting to network setup, cybersecurity, and cloud solutions, we’re your one-stop tech partner.

Carmelite Spirituality and Philosophy Projects

The profits from our IT services directly fund projects that overcome obstacles and provides clarity for other people seeking growth in reason and the spiritual life. This includes:

  • The Midnight Carmelite Podcast: Thought-provoking conversations about Scriptures in the original Greek, St. John of the Cross, other Carmelite saints, and the Catholic tradition.

  • Luminous Tradition Blog: Pithy articles that address common obstacles and issues in growing in the spiritual life and union with God.

Why Choose Luminous Tradition as your technology consultant?

  • Local Expertise: We understand the unique challenges and opportunities of technology, especially for small businesses or individuals who have side hobbies or businesses that involve content creation, products, and services sold online or in-person at conferences and other events.
  • Personalized Service: We take the time to get to know you and your specific needs.
  • Catholic-Minded: We’re committed to giving back through the podcast and blog to evangelize and help grow the spiritual lives of people none of us may ever meet in person on Earth, but will in heaven.
  • Transparent: We’re open about how our business works and how your support makes a difference.

What Our Clients Say:

“I call Andrew ‘Obi-Wan’ because he is my only hope with technology. If I ever have an issue, Andrew is right there to walk me through what’s going on, works with me so it’s how I want it, and does it all so quickly!” - Dr. Larry Chapp, Owner of Dorothy Day Worker Farm and the Gaudium et spes 22 website (https://gaudiumetspes22.com)

Ready to Get Started?

Whether you need help with a tech issue or want to learn more about how you can support our Carmelite spirituality and philosophy projects, we’re here for you.

Luminous Tradition, LLC