“For with God nothing will be impossible.” -Lk 1:37
Physical illness causes much distress for those who are ill and the people around them. Fear, worry, desperation, and even despair can be felt in the midst of this suffering. Some people feel confused about why God is allowing the illness, yet they still know that God is all-powerful and turn to him for help.
Have faith and hope in the Lord, and pray.
Pray for healing, but also pray for the medical professionals who will treat you or your loved one. Ask God to work through them to heal you. If needed, ask God for a miracle. Scripture describes many instances of God granting physical healing to people, and saints have also interceded for physical healing.
Whether your illness is recent or chronic, persist in prayer, and place your trust in God.
Prayer in the morning or at night:
Lord, please grant that I will be healed of [enter illness]. I know that you love me and want good things for me. I ask you to please grant this healing for me so I can continue to serve you and others as best as possible. I believe that you are all-powerful, and I know that you have the power to heal me. I trust that whatever happens is what you want, but Lord, I beg you to please let it be healing for me. I really want to be healed. Lord, please heal me. Thank you. I love you. Amen.
Scripture passages to repeat:
“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.” -Jer 17:14
“This illness is not unto death; it is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by means of it.” -Jn 11:4
“For with God nothing will be impossible.” -Lk 1:37
“As he went ashore he saw a great throng; and he had compassion on them, and healed their sick.” -Mt 14:14
“And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands upon a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief.” -Mk 6:5-6
“And behold, a woman who had suffered from a hemorrhage for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment; for she said to herself, ‘If I only touch his garment, I shall be made well.’ Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, ‘Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.’ And instantly the woman was made well.” -Mt 9:20-22
Who to pray to for intercession: St. Raphael
We recommend praying to St. Raphael, the archangel, because he brought physical healing to Tobit in the Old Testament -Tob 6:4-8, 11:7-15
St. Raphael, thank you for bringing healing to Tobit in the Old Testament. I know that you care about us and want to help us, as the story of Tobit shows. I really need healing right now, and I hope that you will help. Please pray and intercede that I will be healed of [enter illness]. I trust that you will do everything you can to help, and I thank you for all that you do. Please help me, St. Raphael. Please intercede for me to be healed. Please do all that you can to help me be healed. Thank you, St. Raphael. Amen.
Cooperate with God
If your illness is serious or grave, ask a priest to give you the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
If you are losing hope for healing, you might find strength in hearing the stories of others who have been healed. We recommend reading the book 61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and a True Story of the Impossible by Bonnie L. Engstrom.
This book tells the story of a stillborn baby who was brought to life 61 minutes after birth, thanks to the mercy of God and the intercession of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. This story illustrates how even today all things are possible with God.